Simple Remedies For Healing Chronic Illnesses Such As, But Not Limited To: Arthritis, Diabetes, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, Epilepsy Or Seizure, Stress, Foggy-Brain, Learning Disability, Attention Deficit Disorder, Heart Disease, High-Cholesterol, Asthma, Impotence, Indigestion, Obesity, Mood Disorders Like: Bipolar, Cyclothymic, Anger And Depression. Mythical HIV-AIDS, Plus All Allergies, And All Forms of Cancer: The Multi-Billion Dollar Money Maker.!

By abandoning U.S. Disease-care scam; deliberately designed to keep people sick and in need of pharmaceutical drugs, followed by adopting NONE-GMO healthy diet, any and all of the so-called incurable chronic diseases and allergies can easily be cured.!

- By Bahram Maskanian

The most important rule of being truly happy is to be healthy. Healthy people are naturally happy, rational, friendly and thoughtful. The selection of foods, eating and drinking habits; our diet are the cause of all chronic illnesses. To be healthy and happy, one have to first learn to respect and love oneself, in order to develop the discipline to stop all unhealthy habits, thereby learn about healthy delicious foods, vegetables and fruits for the organic healthy treatments to work and be effective. By following the simple common sense remedies mentioned below one can easily heal all chronic ailments.

According to recent medical malpractice statistics in the United States 300,000 people are killed annually by pharmaceutical drugs, plus doctor's errors and negligence. Also according to Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, hospital's medical errors kill 98,000 Americans a year, total of 398,000 deaths annually. Other reports claims the numbers are as high as 440,000 people killed on the yearly bases. Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, said CNBC. British Medical Journal (BMJ) also published an article with the headline: Medical error--the third leading cause of death in the United States. Pharmaceutical companies and doctors call the high number of deaths and or murder of innocent people, the cost of doing medicine.

Did you know doctors get high amount of monetary commission and gift for each drug they sell, and or prescribe.? The U.S. Disease-Care System is deliberately designed to never heal anyone, rather to keep patients on variety of different drugs to prolong people's pain and suffering to make money. The drug makers, hospitals, doctors, U.S. media and related businesses love making billions of dollars, love their lavish lifestyle, private jet airplanes and helicopters, luxury yacht, high-rise penthouse, mansion and villa. And if common folks like us were to learn how to heal any of our chronic illnesses mentioned at the above by simply changing our diet, you know what is going to happen.?

Each year, due to many toxic medications prescribed; chronic diseases kill hundreds of thousands of people in addition to 440,000 deaths caused by pharmaceutical drugs plus doctors errors and negligence in America. Have you noticed the long list of advertised drug's harmful side-effects mentioned on TV after each commercial.? Each year 606,520 die of cancer and 655,000 die from heart disease. In U.S. alone on a yearly bases total of 2,813,503 die from preventable diseases (7,709 per day). The one and only goal of the Disease-Care racket in U.S. is to market their toxic drugs, and keep people on the hook and pick their pockets until their last breath. The number of fatalities mentioned are on constant rise. But the good news is that healthy diet and modest exercise has proven to be very effective, safe and long lasting. In addition, fresh NONE-GMO vegetables, fruits and healthy foods could heal the body and the mind with no side-effects.!

Alcohol, tobacco, coffee and crystalized white sugars are the most harmful drugs openly available in stores near you. Consumption of these deadly drugs: smoking, drinking coffee, alcohol and soda, doing stupid things and alike, have all been portrayed fashionable and or cool by the actions of TV sitcom actors, film actors and commercial actors. Product placement is used in films and TV to market what we don't want. Did you know to "improve their image" TV news reporters and politicians take acting lessons.? What makes a good actor is her, or his ability to lie convincingly.! That is right, actors are trained to be persuasive, believable lying bullshit-artist.! U.S. entertainment companies and the mass media through the use of "power of suggestion" have been modifying people's behavior and intellect for decades. Power of suggestion can easily persuade viewers to consume harmful foods and drugs, behave like jackass, get drunk, dislike something, or like anything harmful, etc.

After years of enlightening research my loved ones, family, friends, neighbors and myself abandoned U.S. disease-care scam and began following our own preventive health-care discipline. Among us we had obese folks suffering from heart disease, family members with brain cancer, asthma, and variety of different allergies, in addition to high cholesterol. Friends tormented with debilitating arthritis and obese diabetic ones. Alcoholic and cigarette smoking neighbors, plagued with breast cancer, autism, mood swing, anger, depression, and children with foggy brain. Some of us were suffering from kidney stone causing painful sandy urination. We also had a few people with physical disabilities such as: a young man with crooked, badly healed broken nose, a bowlegged woman, lopsided healed broken rib bones, and unevenly healed broken ankle with limited movement ability.

We began by removing our amalgam mercury dental fillings, replacing them with mercury free ones. We stop taking chemotherapy drugs. We also stop all vaccinations, and consumption of toxic GMO products, all forms of alcohol, sodas, coffee and processed foods mentioned below in this article. We also stop taking Vitamins, Antibiotics, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Advil, Blood-thinners, Opioid painkillers, Cholesterol medicines, and Arthritis drugs. We stop taking antacid, sleeping and diet pills as well. Within three weeks everyone began feeling fantastic, while losing weight, our appetite and overall health improved tremendously, feeling happy and energized. By the third month every single one of us had completely recovered, and by the twelfth month all of the physical disabilities were fully healed and corrected as well.

Cholesterol inhibiting drugs have been selling at the rate of ($150,000,000,000.00) that is one hundred and fifty billion dollars each year on Earth. The parasite ruling class and their drug-dealing doctors and pharmaceutical companies are not going to tell you the truth about cholesterol. The myth of High-Cholesterol is a billion dollar money making scam. As we all know there are two different types of cholesterol produced by the liver in all mammals bodies: the low-density (LDL) produced by our liver in order to heal and repair our body. The high-density (HDL) also produced by the liver soon after the repair is complete to cleanup the repaired area in our body. People have been deliberately deceived to believe cholesterol is bad and they need toxic drugs to stop their liver from producing cholesterol. Read the following cardiovascular surgeon's books: The Cholesterol Lie, by Dr. Dwight Lundell and The Great Cholesterol Con, by Dr. Malcom Kendrick.

Is Obesity And Or Getting Fat Hereditary Genetic Disease? Fact: all chronic, or incurable health conditions and or diseases are caused by deliberate use of toxic, carcinogenic chemicals put in processed foods, all bottled / canned beverages, corporate agricultural products, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical drugs. The disease-care scam specialists, the drug dispensers, or dealers, the doctors knowingly prescribe the toxic drugs to the people for profit. The fact is that obesity is a gradual process and just like all other chronic conditions they are caused by one's daily inhaling, eating and drinking intake and it is not a genetic disease. One has ages to stop and back out. The very first time when one is forced to shop for bigger pants, shirt and or a dress; it would be the easy to read and obvious warning sign to stop and rethink one's daily routine and habits.

Polyester Poisoning – Synthetic Fabrics: the health hazards of plastic bottles have been publicized in recent years. One should be aware of carcinogens like Bisphenol A (BPA), which leaches into water and any other liquids stored in any plastic bottle, plus micro plastic particles no one should drink. All plastic water bottle companies admit using public water (tap water) to fill their bottles. Synthetic fabrics are awfully harmful to the skin and over all health. Shoes (all sneakers) and clothing made out of plastic or polyester should be avoided. Man-made fabrics such as: acrylic, polyester, rayon, acetate and nylon are made with thousands of harmful toxic chemicals. We should not forget that the biggest absorbent organ of our body is our skin. Cotton, hemp, silk, linen and wool fabrics and their blends are safe healthy choice, in addition to shoes made out of all leather, or shoes with leather top and rubber sole.

The Many Trillions of Microorganisms (bacterium and viruses) Not Part of Our Genes: all living human beings and all other creatures are made up of many trillions of friendly microorganisms living and working mainly in our large intestine digestive tracks called "gut flora". Each of which are equipped with own deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) self-replicating material; present in all living organisms. Life without these microorganisms is impossible. These friendly microorganisms, or gut flora help to digest our foods, produce our needed vitamins and hormones, regulate our eating habits, prevent growth of harmful bacteria, break down toxic substances in food that cannot be digested and much more.

When we eat any of the processed carcinogenic stuff mentioned below their hostile microorganism begin to eliminate and replace our friendly gut flora; followed by signaling our brains to eat what the invading enemy needs to survive. Thus we obey and do as we are told; drink, smoke, consume carcinogenic foods, etc. That is how any form of addiction begins. To get-rid of an addiction, first we must recognize the source of consumption signals; ignore the hazardous cravings and choose the healthy ones.

To Start - You Must Stop Consuming: carbohydrates, such as: all wheat products (breads, cereals, cakes, pizza, pastas, pies, etc.) All sodas, soft drinks and all forms of alcohol. Alcohol kills your brain cells, damages your kidneys, liver and stomach, alcohol makes men stupid and violent, alcohol makes women stupid and vulnerable. Tobacco smoking (nicotine) also kills your brain cells, damages your heart, lungs and much more. Coffee flushes the vital minerals you need out of your body. Plastic bottled water, bottled juices, chemical preservatives, oat and barley. The following synthetic toxic chemicals such as: artificial taste, sweeteners, color and sugar. All fast foods and processed edibles. Packaged snacks, all GMO soybean products, all GMO corn products, all fat free, sugar free stuff, vitamin pills, sunscreens, and generally all that comes out of a box, canister, bottle, or plastic container. Must educate yourself by asking question and reading products labels to beware of all Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) produce. You have to ask your local storeowner, or manager where their vegetables come from. Because most locally grown vegetables and produce are not Roundup Ready, which means they are not GMO, and were not sprayed with highly toxic Glyphosate-based herbicide: Roundup.

Pregnant Women and Couples Trying to Get Pregnant Be Warned: to avoid birthing disable children with physical and or mental birth defects, followed by a lifetime of pain, misery and regret; all pregnant women and couples whom are trying to get pregnant must pay close attention to what type of foods they consume, quality of the air they breathe and the kind of liquids they drink, in addition to their living and working environment to make sure it is free from any and all carcinogenic chemicals used in manufacturing cosmetics, hair dyes, air-fresheners, cleaning and household products, also keep clear from all sorts of alcohol, tobacco, sodas, coffee, WiFi, Cellphones, Microwave ovens, all GMO products, heavy metals such as, but not limited to: mercury and lead.!

Consume Only Fresh - Ingredients: fresh vegetables, fruits, and white rice instead of pasta, for fiber. Herbal tea, or green tea made with fresh ginger instead of coffee. I take a 3 inch piece of fresh ginger, scrape it off clean, cut it in thin pieces and add it to half gallon water in a saucepan. Bring the water to boil, lower the heat and allow 10 minutes of ginger slowly cook. I then add 2 green teabag to the pot and let it brew for 5 minutes, before shutting off the heat. I let the pot cool for 15 minutes, fish out the teabags and the ginger and throw them in the composter. I enjoy my ginger tea with lime or lemon and small spoon of honey. I regularly make pitchers of freshly squeezed fruit juices and ginger ice tea and keep them in the refrigerator to crunch my thirst thus prolonging my health and life. I start my day by drinking a glass of tap-water with half teaspoon of Himalayan, or sea salt. On daily bases I would only consume 250 grams (half pound) of my favorite meet with fat on it. Also omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like cold-water fish, chia seeds, flax seeds and walnuts are very good for the body as well. Raw garlic is the most powerful and highly effective antiviral and antimicrobial vegetable on planet Earth. Garlic kills all, and I mean all unfriendly viruses, microbes, and generally hostile microorganisms. Garlic, ginger and onion are amazing healing and tasty vegetables, I use each of them every other day.

Worth mentioning again, that fresh raw Garlic is a powerful organic antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory remedy with no side effects, known to humanity for thousands of years. Unlike pharmaceutical's antibiotic toxic drugs, which kill body's gut flora and T-Cells indiscriminately; garlic will eradicate mucus and or infection producing harmful germs (viruses and microbes) in cooperation with our body's immune system, leaving the white blood cells and the friendly microorganisms, or gut flora our body depends on unharmed. Chop up a few raw garlic and throw them on your freshly made green salad and cook with Garlic once, or twice a week.

If you are suffering from any type of allergies, or influenza virus caused infection (COLD) as the mucous membrane of the nose and throat begin to inflame, typically causing coughing, fever, running nose, sneezing, sore throat, and other symptoms. Simply peel one, or two raw Garlic cloves for adults and one-third of a clove for small children, cut it in small swallow-able pieces, take the small Garlic pieces like a pill with warm tea, or glass of tap water with a pinch of sea-salt, or fresh-squeezed lemonade soon after lunch and dinner. This remedy works very well; within 24 hours 75% of the cold symptoms will be gone, and one could completely recover in a day or two. Keep in mind that if our gut flora is harmed in time it will recover.

Organic Produce - Crop-Rotation: for thousands of years farmers all over the world used organic farming methods (crop-rotation) to protect and enrich the soil, avoid insects and weed growth, while increasing their farm's production. Before 1948, organic farming was the means of producing crop all over the world. Until the chemical companies through use of false advertising and fraudulent business practices convinced farmers that using toxic, expensive chemicals such as, but not limited to: chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides is far better than organic farming. The Section 2 of U.S. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law of 1948 defines agricultural chemicals as weapon "chemical agents". Organic crop farming costs the fraction of farming with harmful chemicals, but since the U.S. media is controlled by those who spend billions of dollars in false advertising, we would never get to hear the truth and have to do our own research.

Ginger Tea, My Favorite Beverage: whenever I feel the common viral infection (COLD) is approaching, as the mucous membrane of the nose and throat inflame, typically causing coughing, running nose, sneezing, sore throat, plus other symptoms. I fill the saucepan with a few cups of tap water, couple of inches of fresh ginger, peel, wash and cut the ginger in thin slices and add it into the pot and put the lid on. Bring the mixture to boil and soon after lower the flame to allow the ginger cook for 10 minutes, at which point I add my loose tea leaves and let it simmer for 2 more minutes. I then turn off the flame and let the pot sit for a couple of minutes. I remove and separate the tea leaves and ginger, save the ginger for use in cooking food later and throw out the tea leaves. I add either freshly squeezed lime, or lemon juice into my ginger tea. I peel one raw garlic clove and cut it in small pieces. After each meal, I enjoy my raw garlic remedy, by taking the small garlic pieces like a pill with my warm tea. This remedy works very well; within 24 hours most of my cold symptoms are gone, and by the end of the third day, I feel as good as new.

Important - Green Fresh Cannabis Leaves: if you have access to fresh green Cannabis leaves, simply juice couple of them daily and mix the few drops you get with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice and enjoy. And no, you will not get high, to get high you have to cook, burn, or age Cannabis. You should take advantage of Cannabis's astonishing preventive, protective and healing health benefits, which everyone should have open access and freedom to enjoy. But, if it is not possible to obtain fresh Cannabis leaves, no problem, you will recover without it.

Is Sex A Therapeutic And Healing Activity? Absolutely! Any forms of Consensual Sex are highly enjoyable, healing and beneficial. Whether one enjoys masturbation, vaginal, oral and or anal sex, one could relish the healing related orgasms. When one is about to masturbate or have sex with another, one must never rush to reach an orgasm to end sex. Exactly the opposite is true, the goal of the participants should be prolonging the sensual activity; such as, but not limited to: massaging one another, dancing, long heavenly oral sex, adoring each other before intercourse; kissing, before, during and after. Women should shower, douche their uterus and vagina with hydrogen peroxide 3% to clean and disinfect without any side effects, and have enema with distilled water to be prepared for anal sex. Men also should shower; wash with soap, trim toenails, fingernails, brush teeth, and shave.

We must never forget that Love and Affection are produced and maintain by our hormones. Our family, loved ones and friend's relationships, plus our romantic love-affair are all governed by the health of our endocrine system (network of bodily hormonal glands), secreting hormones directly into our blood at the right time, right place and the right amount to be Loving and Affectionate person, which means we have to remove all endocrine disruptors; causing hormonal imbalance out of our life and diet; precisely the reason why truly healthy people are happy in life and within their relationships. Everything we do in life would feel much better if we are healthy.

According to the United States Government’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) thousands of research and findings since 1964, posted on line, plus 1000s of independent physicians, scientists and many other studies, in addition to thousands of historical evidences from around the world, some of which are posted and available on the Venus Project Foundation’s website HEMP section on the top. The remarkable healing and health benefits of cannabis extend to a wide variety of ailments and conditions to see the whole report click here.

WiFi, Wireless, Cellular Ionizing Radiation: Turn off your cellphone and all Wi-Fi devices, use voice over IP phone system instead. Use network cables to connect all devices at home and stay away from all wireless ionizing (cancer causing) electro magnetic radiations; emitted by all cellphones and all Wi-Fi devices. Keep clear of wireless radiation, cellular radiation, WiFi radiation, the so-called "smart" devices: smart meters, smart appliances, smart light bulb, etc., they all emit ionizing radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year around. Ionizing radiation diminishes your immune system. Take-care of your immune system, and your immune system will take care of you, by safely removing any and all invading viruses and unfriendly microorganisms in the background without you even noticing.

To keep your digestive system in a good working condition and avoid heartburns and many other serious health problems, learn to relax and enjoy your meal, take your time, focus on your eating, no talking, no TV and no reading, chew properly, and don't drink any beverage while eating your meal. Your meal should consist of at least 3 different kinds of vegetables, one kind of meat and one kind of fruit. Fruits and hardboiled eggs, with handful of nuts and some dark chocolate are great for breakfast. Each day try to eat a different meal and one day a week eat just breakfast. Grown adults would be fine to have breakfast and late lunch, or early dinner to keep healthy. But children should have three nutritious healthy meals and fruits every day.

Buy one, or two-liter thermos and a couple of glass, or stainless steel pitchers to use for making lime, or lemon water, using tap water. Use the thermos to carry your lemon, or lime water with you when traveling and the pitchers to keep in your refrigerator.

Exercise, or walk faster than usual 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening each day. Our body detoxes and repairs itself while we sleep. We need at least eight hours of sleep, followed by a healthy breakfast.

Our body today is not the one we were born with. On average every 9 to 12 months depending on the size of the person, the entire anatomy (skin, hair, muscles, bones, lungs, heart, brain cells, etc.) is been rebuilt brand-new, using the DNA and Micro RNA blueprint information stored in every single cell of our body. Skin; our largest organ is completely rebuilt once a month, the same way our fingernails and hair grow. Our body is in constant state of rejuvenation and repair, which means if one would follow the suggested dietary guidelines in this article, thus provide her, or his body the needed healthy building blocks, our body will do the repairing and rebuilding in the background, while we asleep.

If you follow the simple steps mentioned here, your body begins to heal, usually within a few days you begin to feel healthy level of energy, and by the third week you should be much better than when you start your health journey. I know, because I have used the very same remedies myself, and with many of my friends and family members, all of whom are now healthy, happy and completely pain free.

The key to a happy life is a healthy mind. Healthy mind is in a healthy body. Healthy folks are naturally happy. Healthy and happy people are capable of analytical thinking and deductive reasoning. Human body is absolutely magnificent, all one has to do is to stay away from hazardous material and processed eatables. Eat fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and healthy foods; our body will take care of the rest.

Print and frame the following popular Persian proverb: "Healthy Mind Is In A Healthy Body, And To Be Happy One Must Be Healthy." I wish everyone a long-lasting success in pursuit of and achieving healthy and happy life.

Letting Go of God - By Julia Sweeney - Comedy

Published on April 01, 2019
A one-person comedic and dramatic show about losing one's religion. Julia has done the narrating of the Judeo-Christian's barbaric religious manuals in her own kind of, shall we say humorous way.!

Letting Go of God - By Julia Sweeney - Transcript

Brief History of Patriarchal Religions on Planet Earth

- By Bahram Maskanian

4,000 years ago a Persian man, a sociopath, named Mithras, orchestrated the first coup d'état in history, attempting to overthrow the flourishing 8,000 years of matriarchal ruling system in Persian Empire. Took close to 500 years for the first tyrannical patriarchal religion to gain some traction and market share and gradually spread its barbaric dogma, as an alternative to equality, peace and harmony of the matriarchal social ruling system.

3,500 years ago group of misogynist and pedophile male gender of Semite tribes in North Africa (today's Arabs and Jews) who spoke Semitic language (mix of Hebrew and Arabic), inspired by Mithras and Egyptian’s patriarchal “Book of Death” dogma, rose to compete with Persian’s Mithraism, thus plagiarized the Egyptian’s awful religious manual: the Book of Death, creating and adding more barbaric dogma, thus invented Judaism and Torah, or Old Testament as Jew’s religious manual. Where for the first time in human history, Semitic criminal male gender deliberately made female gender sub-human and a slave to the male gender, thereby creating a colossal division among human societies, between the female and male gender. And since half of the populations in any given society are women, the act of female segregation for the purpose of “Divide and Conquer” has been extremely successful.

Must be noted that there has never been such people as “Jewish People”, to be a Jew is not a nationality, to be a Jew is to follow the barbaric Torah and nothing more. In the past three thousand years, through many murderous religious wars conducted by the criminal male members of Semitic tribes of North Africa, forcing many millions of unwilling people to become Jews, out of fear of being beheaded. The barbaric Semitic male gender, have been raging their deadly religious wars and competition between all other patriarchal ruling tribes and countries in the past three thousand years, brutally forcing people to follow and worship their man made criminal religious manuals, manufactured by a few criminal, dead pedophile, male members of Semitic tribes.

Brief History of Patriarchal Religions on Planet Earth2,000 years ago, Constantine, Roman / Butcher Emperor 306–37, was convinced by a group of Jews to change the Roman (European) religion from Mithraism to a new religion. Thereby Mithraism book was plagiarized to fabricate Catholicism. Mithras character was renamed ISSAH, after an unknown dead Jew and later on renamed to Jesus by Greeks. All of Mithras stories and mythical rubbish were copied and rewritten word, by word, in association with ISSAH, or Jesus, thus Christianity, or Judeo-Christian dogma based on Torah as the old testament and Mithraism book as its supplement, as New Testament was invented, following and worshiping an unknown dead Jew, Jesus.

Some of the Mithras’s popular mythical nonsense you may have heard, such as, but not limited to: God, Mithras’s father sent him down to Earth to confirm his contract with Man. Mithras was born from a Virgin mother, by means of “Immaculate Conception”. He was born of Anahita, an immaculate virgin mother. Mithras’s birth is celebrated on December 25th. Mithras’s birth in stables was witnessed by shepherds and magi who brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Mithras was baptized and practiced Eucharist. Mithras had 12 disciples. Mithras was called the “Truth”, “Light”. Mithras was also the God of Darius, conqueror of Babylon. Mithras performed miracles and was called Messiah, or Christos by Greeks. Mithras made contract, or covenant with Man, confirming an older contract with God. The Persian word Mithras literally means Contract. Mithras celebrated a last supper with his disciples before his death and departure from Earth. Mithras died to atone for the sins of Man. Mithras was crucified and killed. Mithras resurrected on a Sunday and ascended to heaven. Mithras ascended into heaven to rejoin his father. Mithras healed the sick and was known as the judger of souls and he shall return to pass judgment on Man. On judgment day, the dead will arise and be judged by Mithras. Mithras will send sinners to HELL. Mithras will send the God fearing faithful to HEAVEN. On judgment day there will be a final conflict between God and Evil. The forces of Evil will be destroyed and the saved shall live in paradise forever. Mithras is part of a Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, And Holy Spirit, who took human form. Mithras is depicted as having a halo, (a circular band of light around over his head). Mithras followers drink wine and eat bread, which represent his blood and flesh. Mithras followers are baptized. Saturday and Sunday are the two (2) days of the week to rest and celebrate. And finally, during the Roman Revival of the Mithraism, where do you think the religion was centered? On the one and the same: Vatican Hill - in Rome..!

1,400 years ago, 50 years after the death of Mohammad, another self-proclaimed Jew, as God’s exclusive representative on planet Earth, Abu Abdullah "Hanemel" ben Nehemiah II, a Jew, who falsely became known as “Salman al-Farsi”, masqueraded to the Iranian people as one of their own, as a Persian scholar, in cooperation with two other male Jews political hustlers: Omar and Osman working with a few Jewish mullahs fabricated Islam, a combination of 80% Judaism and 20% Catholicism. Must keep in mind that all Semitic people were forced into Judaism at the point of sword and until the invention of Judeo-Islam dogma, all Semitic people were Jewish and those who refused to accept Christianity and Islam are today’s Jews. Also there has been a lot of conversion from one religion to another, so it is nearly impossible to narrow down who is really who?

On our beloved, one and only home, planet Earth, there are close to 10,000 despotic patriarchal religions invented by men, since 4,000 years ago, all of which are extremely similar in their barbaric dogma and stories, with the sole purpose of totalitarian domination, to plunder, rape, murder, control and own women and all of the Mother Nature’s bounties.

The obvious fact is that since Jews, Judeo-Christians and Judeo-Moslems are following and worshiping Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad all illiterate dead Jews and Jews religious manuals shouldn’t they all be Jews? Thereby stop competing and the thousands of years old murdering religious wars?

The 3 barbaric, Abrahamic, Adam and Eve based, misogynist, warmongering, pedophile, children raping, slave holding and slave marketing, man-made, patriarchal religions: Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam are, and have always been the agents and promoters of ignorance, slavery, hate, war, violence, rape, murder, plunder, mediocrity and stupidity.

Throughout the thousands of years history of patriarchal religious wars, the criminal male political hustlers, immediately after each conquests of a matriarchal civilization, they began looting, stealing, or burning and completely destroying all evidences of matriarchal civilization, millions of books, and all other evidences, the unmatched treasure of humanity’s knowledge and wisdom.

Ironically all of these patriarchal religions share a very similar mythical story regarding their claim to fame, fortune, legitimacy and close bond to god, the supposed big guy in the sky. That one late night, in the desert, or in a cave, where no one was around, in a dark spooky cave in the middle of nowhere, suddenly Gabriel, or god appeared to these pedophiles. Warning them they and their people better love, worship and believe him and kiss his ass every chance they get, or there will be hell to pay!

Now, I am no advertising agent, or a marketer, but can you imagine starting an advertising campaign for an event, cause, or even a product with high return expectations for success, as god would have wanted? And since god is smarter than the rest of us, the humanity, why would she show-up late at night, where no one was around, in the dark and deserted caves to issue command to Moses, Abraham, Mohammed and the rest of the evil bastard political hostlers?

Considering that god is supposedly smarter than man, why make such idiotic and stupid mistake? The said simple logical narrative is strong enough evidence, which proves these male god messengers were all full of crap. God with her infinite wisdom would have a clear understanding that to honestly make a point and settle an argument one would show up in high noon where everybody can hear and see you and only then, intimidate a crap out of people to pay you religious tax, love and obey you!

Personally I think religion is like a female or male sex organ (genitalia), which comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and everybody has at least one, and due to the social etiquette, we all adhere to, we keep it in our under garment and don’t flaunted out in public, forcing others to worship it, sing praises to it, kneel before it and pray to it, sacrifice for it and kiss it, make sculptures of it, and run their lives by its mythical wishes.

8,000 Years of Thriving Matriarchal Rule:

Had it not been for the initial 8,000 years of thriving matriarchal rule, prior to the takeover of patriarchal barbarism, we, the human kind would probably still be living in caves. The flourishing and creative culture of matriarchal rule, developed languages and established civil society, gender equality, human rights, human dignity, music, seasonal celebrations and dances such as: belly dance, known as oriental or eastern dance, poetry, philosophy but no religion, cooperative business and trade, mathematics, sciences, holistic herbal medicine, agriculture and much more. Again, had it not been for the thriving matriarchal rule, we would certainly be living in much darker and deeper caves of ignorance, apathy, mediocrity and stupidity that we are currently trapped in today.

The highly rich matriarchal culture and civilization, or as it has been known the world’s “cradle of civilization and culture”, was centered in Mesopotamia, the capital of Persian Empire for thousands of years, an ancient region of southwest Asia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in today’s Iraq, up to 1,400 years ago, before the invasion of the barbaric, subjugating and patriarchal forces of Islam, converting people of Asia, Europe and North Africa to Islam at the point of their bloody swords.

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

Aside from the historic, scientific and logical proof, one’s own common sense clearly dictates the path of life, the origin and the source of life clearly evident all around us. Life is a college, we are here to evolve, learn and grow. After we die and graduate we shall be reborn on planet Earth, or other any of the billions of other planets to gradually grow and continue our education.

Never believe everything you are told, hear or read. - Use your own built in common sense and skepticism, search for and find the answers for yourself.

The three barbaric, Abrahamic, Adam and Eve based, misogynist, man-made, patriarchal religions: Judaism and its two derivatives: Christianity and Islam are, and have always been the agents and promoters of ignorance, hate, violence, rape, murder, plunder, mediocrity and stupidity.

Christian Dilemmas: The Untold Story of Biblical Conflict

Published on Apr 17, 2014

UFOTV®, Accept no imitations! (2.3 Hours) This non-traditional documentary traces stunning untold changes and conflicts in Christianity and the Bible like never before. In this film scholars shed new light on translation errors, misinterpretations, political changes, and archeological discoveries that have unraveled the many mysteries of Christianity which has evolved into over 200 religious sects, each with differing beliefs. After watching this film, you may never look at Christianity and the Bible in the same way again.

How would I know I need help.? - Admission is half the cure

- By Bahram Maskanian

The main reason for writing this article is to save you time and money. Before signing up with us, at the Erotic Shop, do yourself a big favor and read it, even if you think you are perfect and a gift to humanity. If by the time you reached the end of the article you had some thoughts, questions and regrets popping in and out of your mind, you may need help and if not, good for you and happy times.

First fact everyone should learn is that for far too long (3,500 years) sex has been used as weapon against people. We, the people must debunk and decriminalize sex, one of the most harmful and debilitating mythical nonsense, created and enforced by the barbaric religious mullahs and their masters, the criminal elites, in order to control the masses.!

The absolute fact is and has always been, that sex is healthy and natural, not a sin and should not be perceived as a shameful behavior.! Having sexual desires and urges does not make you a whore, dirty, nasty, or naughty girl and or boy, rather it makes you a healthy person.!

Self-sex (masturbation) is a great means of exercising for becoming sexually self-sufficient and a good lover / sex partner for enjoying mutually consented sex. Sex is natural, healthy, necessary, refreshing, empowering and vital to human existence. Must always keep in mind that sex takes place between your ears, not between your legs and if done right, it could be highly invigorating, electrifying and powerful experience.!

Now, to the question we are asked frequently: “How would I know I need help?” I decided to write this article to save those of you with similar question time and money. Keep in mind that those who have reached the point of asking themselves this vital question have already begun their journey of recovery. Admission is half the cure.

To begin, in retrospect, examining one’s previous love affairs and relationship’s successes and failures honestly and fairly, should shed some light on the question, whether, or not one needs help and guidance in constructing and maintaining a mutually beneficial, fulfilling, satisfying, intimate and romantic relationship.

It all begins with having and maintaining a good healthy diet, plus 30 minutes daily exercise, in addition to 30 minutes of nightly self-reflection, vital for examining one’s life path and charting the course of one’s journey of self-discovery.   Eventually it would come a time that one would reach one’s full potential in all aspects of love, romance, relationship, friendship and generally becoming a dignified, compassionate, respectful, loving, decent and honorable human being.


Opposite Sex Desirability and Sexual Attraction

I have seen and heard my share of misunderstood reasons by people who mistook being in-lust and infatuated, with being in-love and rushing into marriage. Most of these justifications are purely sexual and based on artificialities of looks, color of hair and eyes, size and shape of body parts and the new high orgasm intensity, plus on the male side, if the female was a good obedient whore in the bedroom and a good cook in the kitchen. This is not the way to start a new cooperative long-term partnership with another human being.

Any and all relationships missing compassion and cooperation are doomed to fail without exception, regardless of the relationship’s initial high degree of heat and humidity.!

Due to certain social constructs based on the manmade mythical and barbaric Judaism, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Islamic religious dogmas, which has bestowed the holier-than-thou status on the male gender, based on the false premise of being made in the image of a non-existent male god, raising high expectations and idiotic sense of undeserved entitlements, causing deep division between the sexes, which will inevitably lead to buildup of competing atmosphere between the women and men.   Competition will build resentment and as time go bye the crushing weight of resentment shall destroy love, friendship, compassion and sense of cooperation, turning love to crap.

While reading this article if were imagining some of your own similar circumstances, accumulated wisdom and lessons learned, you have already begun your journey of self-discovery and healing.


Deliberate Dumbing Down - Sex Denied - Sex Bad / Shameful

Truth-seekers beware, due to deliberate implementation of dumbing down policies worldwide, large majority of people all over the world are completely unaware of their cognitive powers and abilities, sadly wasted and unutilized.   Vital abilities such as: analytical thinking, deductive reasoning, common sense, reason, ethical standards, personal development and growth including: self-esteem, self-respect, self-control, sexual and emotional growth, sexual desires and urges control, love in general terms, intimacy, sexual trust, surrender and vulnerability, romance and relationship are all among the suppressed cognitive powers and abilities. In addition to lack of sex, love, compassion and cooperation training and education worldwide are major components of the said dumbing down policies.

One of the major intended consequences of “sex denied”, “sex bad / shameful”, is to cause a deep division between female and male gender (divide and conquer), creating huge resentment, combined with the male gender’s sense of sexual inferiority and male’s false and undeserved sense of entitlements and expectations unfulfilled, coupled with drugs and alcohol consumption, will lead to buildup of highly hazardous sexual frustration in young men, manifesting in violence against women, domestic abuse, rape and murder.  

Sexual training must include self-sex (masturbation), is a truly life saving and enhancing practice and highly necessary for all boys and girls. Young girls and boys are naturally horny and constantly thinking and searching for sex. But young men are particularly dangerous, if not properly trained; it would be just as dangerous as allowing a monkey to drive a truck, while drinking from an open bottle of whiskey in one hand and holding a loaded pistol in the other.!


Sexual Monogamy and or Promiscuity

Every able body should learn that nobody owns anyone.! Furthermore, if you must own someone in order to feel secure and fulfilled in your relationship you are in desperate need of help.!  The absolute fact of life is that.: all human beings are created equal, with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.!

No religion, religious mullah, government, man, or woman has the moral authority, nor the rights to change the laws of Mother Nature and take away the said given rights.!

Monogamy, the practice of being sexually involved, or married only to one person at a time is a personal choice and should have never been mandated by law.   Promiscuity should also be treated the same way, as a personal choice between two or more lovers.   If two people, or more choose to be together in however consensual adult sexual relationship in any fashion and form they like, no one has the right to stop them.!

Moreover, we, the people, must get the government out of our homes and bedrooms. Since any marriage laws mandated by congress, by definition is the extension of religion and promotion and enforcement of religious dogmas, all such laws are unconstitutional and must be trashed. Marriage should be a two-year cooperative contract with option to renew.!   The contract will of course embody all precautionary measures to provide and protect children and parties involved, with the exception of the idiotic and unrealistic.: “until death do us part”.

U.S. Constitution – First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


The destructive role of religion dogma in human sexuality

The other significant big contributor to war of sexes and gender problems, social and relationship anxiety is religion, whereby instilling a sense of entitlement in men and an inferiority complex in women directly causes a big divide.! Religious manmade mythical crap, undeservedly promotes men to a high holy rank, while at the same time is demoting women to a free domestic whore, cook, servant, housemaid, child bearing incubator and children nurturer.

The destructive role of religion dogma in human sexualityDid you know human civilization is over 12,000 years old.? Did you know for the first 8,500 years humanity flourished under the social governing of matriarchal system without religion, until 3,500 years ago.? Did you know matriarchal system is responsible for creation and development of languages, sciences, the arts, music, philosophy, literature, mathematics, herbal medicine, agriculture, and much more, all free from mythical nonsense and female-self promotion to the Daughter of a female God, or an exclusive representative of a female God.?

Did you know all throughout the 8,500 years of matriarchal rule and civilization women and men enjoyed complete gender equality, equal human rights and social standing.?

Did you know there are nearly 10,000 closely related and highly similar barbaric male gender’s manufactured religions on Earth? Indisputable historic evidences shows that beginning at around 3,500 years ago in opposition to matriarchal rule, 2 major religions (Persian’s Mithraism and Egyptian’s Book of Death) began to spread by the so-called clergymen (political hustlers).!

Group of misogynist (women hating), cave dwelling, pedophile men, on intimate terms with domesticated animals from the Semitic tribes (today’s Jews and Arabs) in north Africa, rose in competition and plagiarized the said two hideous, awful books, renamed it Torah and added a whole lot more barbaric rules and regulations, such as, but not limited to slavery, slave trade, demotion of female gender to a subhuman class, legalized plunder and murder (holy wars) for forcing the nonbelievers to believe in their barbaric, criminal blood thirsty megalomaniac god, made in their own image, horrifying personality and character.!

To mask their criminal pedophilia behavior and in order to appear morally superior, psychologically stable and sexually acceptable the clergymen (political hustlers) made up harsh punishment rules regarding sexual behavior of others, but not themselves. They made sex sin and for procreation only and to close all avenues of sexual joy and release, these bastards made masturbation sin and forbidden as well.

Half or more of any society’s population consist of women, to ensure success of the manmade barbaric religions, they deliberately caused a huge division between female and male genders in order to (divide and conquer), plus the matriarchal system had to be discredited, dissolve and taken down, through plunder and destruction of all sources of knowledge discovered.

Through countless brutal ethnic cleansing wars, or plundering murderous religious wars, after killing all men and elderly folks, all females and children were taken as property slaves, raped and auctioned off, sold to criminally minded men.

To achieve true peace and tranquility in life one must inform and enlighten oneself and come to terms with the three major killers of all time: Judaism, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Islamic religious dogmas and myths manufactured and promulgated by power hungry criminally minded men for promotion and preservation of their male gender’s self-proclaimed holier-than-thou superiority over women.


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